I have glorious memories ramping through the infinite untouched wild flower fields in rural Vermont as a child. I remember playing with the bouncing monarch butterflies stopping at each wild flower for it’s nectar….My fascination and good favors motivated my sense of bouquet design. Tussie-Mussie’s (small hand-tied bouquets) filled every nook and cranny in our rustic cabin and mom’s kisses were always close by.
My passions ran deep as I later began to explore oil painting in those same golden fields expressing myself painting rickety old barns and run down homesteads. The aromas of oil paint and fields together to this day, send me back remembering wonderful times.
Choosing a career oil painting or choosing a career in the floral industry, I waffled with for a while…..Floral was more lucrative…..Studying with great masters and many teachers, I was very fortunate to open Bakes and Baldwin. Wedding flowers are the grand finale to all these years of hard work…Wedding flowers are like a great painting…..When the installation is set I can look into the final result and see perfection.
Today, I love painting with flowers, style, creativity, color, texture and form. I love abstract painting just as much and have found a way of uniting all these elements, walking down 2 similar roads coming together and creating the perfect marriage.